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David Mery

Ewan Spence

Phil Spencer

Rick Andrews

Arjen Broeze

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About opl-dev project contributors

Opl-dev is the open source project responsible for developing OPL. The project would not be alive if it weren't for the following people:

David Mery

David was instrumental in bringing OPL to the open source community by making a business case for it and choosing the LGPL as a suitable license. David also edits the monthly Symbian Community Newsletter and welcomes any news relevant to developers on Symbian OS at david.mery@symbian.com. David's other interests can be found on his personal website at http://gizmonaut.net.

Ewan Spence

Responsible for Documentation and Liason.

Ewan is an outgoing Scotsman with a very colourful personality.

He's the person behind www.AllAboutSymbian.com and is a strong influencer in the OPL community.

Phil Spencer

Phil first began working with OPL on the Psion Series 3a. After releasing and maintaining several successful shareware and freeware applications, Phil joined Symbian in August 1999 tasked with supporting OPL developers in Symbian's original Developer Network. During this time Phil honed his Symbian OS C++ skills and was one of the key contributors to the OPL v6.0 port, helping to get the various beta versions and the eventual final release out of the door. Phil now works in Symbian's Partnering team in London, contributing to the OPL project in whatever ways he can!

Rick Andrews

Rick is one of the opl-dev project administrators. He helps control the project and is responsible for maintaining the OPL language, and harnessing the resources of other open source developers for the project.

His day job is a Senior Technical Consultant at Symbian. He was originally hired to run the OPL team in 1998, back when the company was called Psion Software. In the evenings and weekends, Rick becomes an active developer for opl-dev, and says he enjoys seeing OPL running on new hardware.

Arjen Broeze

Arjen is the latest addition to the opl-dev team, one of the opl-dev project administrators and is mainly focussed on improving the stability and feature-set of the current OPL ports for Communicator and UIQ.

Arjen currently lives with his family in Beijing, China, working as a project manager for a large mobile phone manufacturer. Besides working on the OPL runtime, Arjen is also an active developer of various OPL-applications and OPX's, trying to demonstrate to the rest of the world that OPL is easy to learn, fun to program and just about as powerful as C++.

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