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9500 user package

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OPL for Nokia 9300/9500 Communicator series

Here you can download the Nokia 9300/9500 user package. This will allow you to run OPL programs on any of the following devices:

  • Nokia 9500 Communicator
  • Nokia 9300 Smartphone
  • Nokia 9300i Smartphone
Simply download and install the .SIS file on your phone.

Nokia 9300/9500 OPL users package v1.56

The user package is available in a choice of two formats:

Click here to download the SIS - the Nokia 9300/9500 Communicator OPL Runtime package 9500-OPL-Public-2006-06-17.sis (238 KB), suitable for direct downloading on your 9300/9500 without having to unzip.

Or get the ZIP file containing:

  • OPL_S80.SIS - the OPL Runtime package, as above
  • DemoOPL_S80.SIS - a demo application written in OPL, which shows that OPL has been installed successfully. (This is the same Demo app used for the 92xx - v1.56. It shows that 92xx OPL apps are compatible with the 9500.)
Download the ZIP - the Nokia 9300/9500 Communicator series OPL users package 9500-OPL-Public-2006-06-17.zip (262 KB).

Note: If you also wish to write OPL programs, you will need an OPL developers pack.

Current status

OPL for the Nokia 9300/9500 Communicator Series is released at v1.56. This is identical to the latest 92xx version, with minor compatibility changes to support the OS changes in the 9300/9500 devices: the old version of the EON14.GDR font file causes problems on the 9300/9500 machines, and has been updated.

Also, there have been Nokia changes to the System Timers functions. Support for these APIs are not present in this version of OPL for 9300/9500. More details will be available from the OPL developer page shortly.

Note: This version of OPL is NOT suitable for the old Nokia 92xx Communicator. In fact, you can't install it. Instead, you get a message:
'Series80ProductID' has not been installed.
Install 'Series80ProductID' and try again.
You can find a version of OPL for the 92xx here.

User release notes

v1.56 17 June 06 ricka at users dot sourceforge dot net and arjenb at users dot sourceforge dot net

Fixed a serious bug in the runtime that could freeze or crash applications that use menus and introduced a new graphics command (gXBORDER32).

(Developer release notes with more technical info are here.)

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